We are a  hearing aid company that has franchised and corporately-owned retail stores all over the United States. With over 1,500 locations, we strive to bring our customers leading-edge technology and hearing solutions that improve lives, relationships and communities.   

Since 1948, we've been committed to helping people reconnect to the people and things they love through improved hearing healthcare. 

About Miracle-Ear®

At Miracle-Ear, we’re dedicated to helping you protect your hearing and the health of your ears. What's the best way to protect your ears and your hearing health in those situations? Two words: Hearing protection. By wearing proper protection, you can save your hearing while still enjoying your favorite hobbies or profession.

Preventing Hearing Loss

Receive hearing test results in minutes with our free* online hearing test. Your first step to better hearing is only a click away. In less than five minutes you'll have a better understanding of your hearing health.

*Our hearing evaluations are always free. These are not medical exams or diagnoses nor are they intended to replace a physician's care. If you suspect a medical problem, please seek treatment from your doctor.

Take a Hearing Evaluation

Scheduling an appointment at your nearest Miracle-Ear hearing aid center is the first step to hearing better days. Search over 1,500 convenient locations nationwide.

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